Historical Writing Category

Writer’s Deep Dive: Sextant

The sextant is one of the most easily recognizable and yet least understood navigational instruments. Today I will explain how to take a reading with the sextant and the function of all its pieces. Now, let’s dive in! The Basics The basic principles of the sextant were found in the unpublished writings of Isaac Newton […]

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The Writer’s Guide to Maritime Navigation

Over the last couple of weeks, I have covered different ships and a large span of maritime history. However, all these ships mean nothing if you do not know how to get where you are going. Today I will cover maritime navigation. I will mainly focus on navigation before satellite and radio. As always, magic […]

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Writer’s Deep Dive: Frigates

Unlike most of the other ships I have covered, the frigate was a warship first and foremost. Now, let’s dive in! The frigate was a full-rigged ship, built for speed and maneuverability, making it ideal for scouting, escorting, and patrolling. They could carry six months’ worth of stores, giving them a very long range. During […]

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The Writer’s Guide to Sailing Ships of the 18th & 19th Centuries

The advancements in sailing ships that occurred during the Age of Exploration from the 15th to the 17th centuries continued into the 18th and 19th centuries. We also known this period as the Age of Sail. Ships became faster, better armed, and more complex in their construction. It was during this time that iconic ships […]

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The Writer’s Guide to Sailing Ships of the Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration, also known as the Age of Discovery, was a time that saw a surge of explorers taking to the seas. From the 15th to 17th century, European explorers discovered and colonized multiple regions worldwide. This exploration would not have been possible without two technological advancements. The first was the magnetic compass, […]

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The Writer’s Guide to Sailing Ships of the Ancient World

The history of the sailing ship is long and throughout it humans have developed many types of vessels. The builder’s needs and the advances in sailing technology achieved up to that point usually influenced the designs of sailing ships. This will not be an exhaustive list. There are too many types of sailing ships and […]

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Writer’s Deep Dive: Sail Repair

As I said in my last post, The Writer’s Guide to Sails, the sails are the engine of the ship. Therefore, any damage that prevents the sails from performing their function threatens the ship and crew. In the worst case, the vessel will be stranded or at the mercy of the tides and waves. As […]

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Writer’s Deep Dive: Anchors

A ship’s anchor is a critical piece of equipment. It allows the vessel to be secured in place when a dock or pier is unavailable. However, just like the hull and sail shapes, the anchor has a significant amount of technology in its design. Now, let’s dive in! Terminology Shank – The long piece of […]

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The Writer’s Guide: Introduction to Sailing Ships

There is something romantic, magical even, about sailing ships. Vessels with motors lack a certain enchantment. It should come as no surprise that writers love to include sailing craft in literature and many an adventure yarn starts with boarding a ship. The vessel can be a vital part of the story, such as the Hispaniola […]

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Writer’s Deep Dive: Toledo Steel

Damascus, Syria was not the only city that became famous for its steel. Toledo, Spain was also producing high quality and highly valued blades from ancient times. Now, let’s dive in! What is Toledo Steel? Toledo steel was famous for being flexible and strong and its production was a closely guarded secret until the 20th […]

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